Thursday, November 27, 2008


Delegation is the passing down of authority from higher to lower levels in the chain of command. Delegation is not the same as participation. Participation involves sharing of authority but in delegation the worker is in authority of making decisions on his own. There are 5 behaviors that effect delegation:-
1. CLARIFY THE ASSIGNMENT – this involves deciding what needs to be delegated and to whom, and the assigning of responsibility. Agreement is made on what needs to be done and a clear end goal is in mind
2. SPECIFY EMPLOYEE’S RANGE OF DISCRETION – this involves setting parameters as to how much authority is being passed down to the employee. The employee is clarified of the limit to his authority and the range of his discretion.
3. ALLOW THE EMPLOYEE TO PARTICIPATE – the employee who is to perform the job is made to participate in the decision of how much authority is to be delegated.
4. INFORM OTHERS THAT DELGATION HAS OCCURRED – people inside and outside the organization should know delegation has taken place within the organization. The task and amount of authority should also be made clear.
5. ESTABLISH FEEDBACK CHANNELS – controls should be set to monitor employees performance and task completion. Controls can be supplemented to ensure authority is not abused.

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